Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
(Registration Deadline: Friday, April 4 @ 5:00 PM) |
In-person only | Coffee + Light Snacks will be provided |
Center for Architecture and Design (CfAD) |
14 E Peace Street | Raleigh, NC 27601
4 LU|HSW |
8 am to Noon
Now that the Accessibility Requirements of the North Carolina Building Code have been updated Let’s Apply It!
What you don’t have to worry about!
Differences between the new North Carolina Building Code’s Accessibility Requirements & the 2010 ADA Standards
Accessible Parking
Accessible Passenger Loading Zones
Attendant/Valet Parking
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Exterior Accessible Routes, Doors & Entrances
How Many
Landing & Maneuvering Clearance Requirements
Elevation Changes & Thresholds
Vision Lites
Interior Accessible Routes
Triggers for Vertical Accessibility
Toilet Rooms & Showers
Single-Use Toilet Rooms
Public Toilet Rooms
Options for Bathing Fixtures (Showers, Bathtubs, etc.)
Dressing & Locker Rooms
Tables & Building-In Furnishings
Cane Detection
Bars & Drink Rails
What about the Existing Building Code of North Carolina?!
Alterations to Primary Function Areas
Changes of Occupancy Classification
Refunds must be requested in writing (by email) 5 business days prior to the program date. AIA Triangle withholds the right to deny or approve any refund based on condition or circumstance.
About this Course
This course is intended to educate the learner on the new requirements of ICC ANSI A117.1 – 2017 edition.
Prerequisite Knowledge:
HSW Justification:
Designing accessible and equitable environments is critical to the health, safety, and welfare of its occupants. This course covers accessibility as it relates to project planning and design, project development and documentation, and construction and evaluation.
Learning Objective 1:
Attendees will be able to compare and contrast their state building code’s scoping for accessibility requirements with the 2017 ICC ANSI A117.1 Standards requirements.
Learning Objective 2:
Attendees will gain insight into the development of federal laws that impact accessibility, including the ADA, ABA, etc.
Learning Objective 3:
Attendees will learn the technical requirements for accessibility features within commercial occupancies as referenced in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and ICC ANSI A117.1 – 2017. This includes a focus on the requirements for accessible routes (doors, ramps, walking surfaces, lifts), toilet & bathing rooms, special occupancies (assembly areas, employee work areas, etc.).
Learning Objective 4:
Attendees will be able to compare and contrast their state building code’s technical requirements for accessibility (i.e. ICC ANSI A117.1 – 2017) with the 2010 ADA Standards requirements.
Dominic Martinelli, Vice President, Accessibility Services