Presenters: Martin Chavanne, Sr. Project Designer, Principal and Shawn Michael, Project Designer, Associate with Cline
Martin Chavanne is a licensed architect (Buenos Aires and North Carolina), Principal and Design Team Leader at Cline Design. He focuses on the intersection of design and technology, leveraging 3d rendering, AI and other emerging technologies to push architectural innovation. His work explores new ways to enhance visualization, efficiency, and creativity in the design process.
Shawn Michael is a designer at Cline Design in Raleigh. Born outside Cleveland, he received his degrees from Kent State University and shortly thereafter escaped Ohio in search of better weather and more diverse design opportunities. He leads the extra-curricular design competition and R&D efforts at Cline, constantly seeking new opportunities to explore form, function, materiality, and teambuilding. He’s partnered with the Raleigh TAP taskforce to better understand technological advancements in the field of architecture, as well as to raise awareness of what new tools and techniques are available to the local design community.
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