AIA Triangle Virtual Lunch Program
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Thin-Clad Stone Design (1 HSW)
Thursday, October 1 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
AIA Triangle Members/AIAT Annual Partners: $0
Registration will be handled by Custom Brick: REGISTER HERE
Program will discuss two distinct installation systems and the wide variety of potential uses for Thin-Clad Stone materials. These uses will cover both interior and exterior veneer applications. The presentation will focus on both adhered masonry and “clipped” or anchored veneers. Specifically we will focus on:
- Adhered Masonry Veneers Both Exterior and Interior and Super Flexible Polymer Fortified Mortars and why the metal lath and scratch coat adhered veneer method is inferior and a thing of the past
- Clipped or Anchored Back Drained and Ventilated Rainscreen Applications (Sealed or Open)
- Retrofit Applications
- Barrier Walls, Drainage Plane Walls, Insulated Drainage Plane Walls, Back Drained and Ventilated Rainscreen Walls, and Energy Code (SB-10/ASHRAE 90.1) Compliant Wall Design
- To understand the mechanism of quarried stone formation
- To understand how Calcium Silicate Stone is created and how the production process is similar to quarried stone formation
- To identify 2 distinct systems for installing Thin-Clad Stone materials (Adhered Veneers and Rainscreen Veneers)
- Identify Thin-Clad wall design systems that are applicable for the particular building design, climate, codes etc… (i.e. face sealed walls, drainage plane assemblies, insulated drainage plane assemblies, and Energy Code (SB-10/ASHRAE 90.1) compliant wall assemblies)
- To recognize the overall design versatility of Thin-Clad Stone as a cladding material
- To understand the benefits of using Calcium Silicate Materials (i.e. Green benefits)