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NC State Community Growth and Development Conference
September 15, 2022 - September 16, 2022

NC State College of Design Community Growth and Development Conference Design Imperatives: Place, Community, Planet September 15-16, 2022 Sheraton Downtown Raleigh |
Placemaking matters. There is a desire to ensure that the places we design and build are welcoming and inclusive. Communities have been challenged to remain viable, safe, and economically vibrant. There is an increasing concern for the health of our planet’s complex ecosystems. The pandemic has added further emphasis to the interconnectedness of nature and human health.
The fall 2022 conference will offer ideas for how individuals, companies, local governments, and other institutional partners can work together to address and resolve the challenges of today and tomorrow.
We will begin with mobile workshops that are intended to showcase the diversity of work currently underway in South Raleigh, including NC State’s Centennial Campus, Dix Park, Shaw University and across Southeast Raleigh. Thursday evening, NC State Chancellor Randy Woodson will lead a discussion that focuses on community growth and development strategies that are being implemented across North Carolina.
Friday session speakers will explore the theories and policies of climate change, transportation, and community development, with a focus on programs and projects that offer state-of-the-practice solutions. Also on Friday, Town Hall-inspired discussions will encourage audience participation and then the conference will conclude with a look ahead, focusing on ways that the design community is engaging with these issues.