Partner Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company *Main Contact *FirstLastTitleMailing AddressBilling AddressBusiness PhoneCell PhoneEmail *NameFirstLastPlease provide name and email for any other individuals you would like to receive event and program notifications:EmailNameFirstLastEmailSignature *By typing my name on the signature line above, as an authorized representative of the company, I am confirming the company’s AIA Triangle Partnership until December 31, 2025 at the above partnership level. I also understand that a payment is required to be made by check or credit card before benefits can begin.Partner Level *PLATINUM - AIAT Only - $4,000.00PLATINUM - AIAT + AIAC Co-Partner* - $3,000.00GOLD - AIAT Only - $2,000.00GOLD - AIAT + AIAC Co-Partner* - $1,750.00SILVER - AIAT Only - $1,500.00BRONZE - AIAT Only - $1,000.00Additional opportunities to sponsor programs and activities will be available throughout the year. Details will be shared once they become available. * Co-partners must commit to both AIA Triangle and AIA Charlotte and will be invoiced separately. Price reflects cost of each section. Total$0.00WebsiteSubmit
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