The AIA Triangle Leadership Forum is a two year-long program designed to give local Emerging Professionals, Young Architects, and associated professionals an opportunity for professional and personal growth in a collaborative learning program. Each cohort works together to learn the skills needed to achieve their best. The program provides access to inspiring speakers, innovative design firms, and activities to push you to become an industry leader.
Application for the Leadership Forum Class of 2025/26 will be available starting January 10, 2025. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
In lieu of other one-on-one mentorship models, this collaborative learning program design works to cross-strengthen the entire class through pooled resources and reflective practice.
The essence of Leadership Forum can be found in its Monthly Meetings. The group gathers for engaged discussions with local architects, firm tours, conferences, construction site tours and other activities. Various topics are explored in an open-forum format, and range from leadership in design, architectural practice, firm dynamics and community-based design.
Leadership Forum is not a training program, nor is it a structured seminar. Participants are expected to take responsibility for their own development by building their individual leadership skills and learning their own personal leadership style.
Class members will be asked to contribute to the planning and execution of certain aspects of monthly meetings, and will also be encouraged to develop additional (optional) site tours, meetings, events and projects for the group.
To complement monthly meetings, Leadership Forum participants are assigned a series of readings. Curriculum elements are then discussed with the group following monthly meetings.
Scheduled monthly meeting attendance is mandatory in order to successfully complete the program. At the beginning of the year, participants are asked to arrange their busy schedules to prioritize for these once-per-month events. Monthly Meetings generally occur on the 3rd Wednesday from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. This year the session kicks off with a 2-3 day retreat in Richmond, VA.
In order to facilitate an effective learning environment, Leadership Forum class size is limited to between 6 and 10 individuals per calendar year. Selected participants are chosen through an application process which receives final approval from the AIA Triangle Board of Directors.
Leadership Forum promotes strong connections to the community through volunteer activities, educational initiatives, and through its content and curriculum.
The Leadership Forum Alumni is an active group of past program graduates. Following the first year of Leadership Forum, Alumni are encouraged to formulate group projects and pursue responsibilities within AIA Triangle and in the community.
I applied to the Leadership Forum to engage in an opportunity to expand my knowledge and understanding of impactful ways to foster positive change through leadership. So much of who I am, personally and professionally, is rooted in capitalizing on strengths. Through my involvement in this program, I am hopeful to culminate skillsets to positively influence those around me and in the community.
-Amelia Murphy
I feel that many of us (myself included) often default to conventional ideas of what or who a leader should be. I’m looking forward to exploring my own personal style of leadership, making new connections, and visioning ways to expand my contributions in and outside the design community.
-Arsalan Abbasi
Just as technical expertise is an important part of a successful career, I believe leadership skills and a strong network are also crucial pieces. I’m excited to connect with this year’s Leadership Forum class and make lasting relationships that I will carry with me throughout my career. The Leadership Forum will also allow me to grow as a person and enhance my leadership skills.
-Ashton Stuart
I applied to be a part of the 2023/24 AIA Triangle Leadership Forum so that I could learn to be a positive, effective leader at my work, in my role on the events task force for AIAT Women in Architecture, and for the greater community. I would like to be seen as a resource for young designers and learn how to best help my colleagues actualize their potential while learning new ways to make an impact in the Triangle and beyond!
-Lindsay Fallert
I applied to the Leadership Forum for multiple reasons, but most importantly to grow and identify my personal path forward as a leader. I hope to achieve this with the help of the leadership forum by utilizing the interaction with my peers and the leaders in the Triangle community.
– Max Hodge
I applied to the Leadership Forum to build upon my previous experiences and refine my current leadership skills. I’m looking forward to connecting with others in the group and the opportunity to grow dynamically.
-Monique Kowalik
When my spouse and I moved to the Triangle in May of 2022, it was with the intention of laying down roots and cultivating community for the long term. My hope is that the Leadership Forum will contribute to that process and me and my cohort can further develop our professional community. I’m looking forward to learning about the current design ecosystem of the region and finding ways in which I can help promote equitable design and development for the public good.
– Quade Gallagher
The leadership forum has always looked like an enriching and positive experience, and this is the right time for me to join. I hope to improve and enhance my leadership skills so that I can be of more service to my community.
-Rachel Steinsberger
Architectural practice has experienced several notable changes in the past couple years: a transition to hybrid + remote work environments, new software and technologies for analysis and design, a restructuring of the commercial office landscape. Better understanding how these changes have affected colleagues and their firms, as well as their strategies for working in and around them, was my principal motivation for applying to this year’s forum.
– Samuel Burner
I feel lucky to have been surrounded by great mentors within my firm, but I recognize the insular nature of my singular architecture firm experience, and this forum presents the opportunity to connect and learn from a larger group of talented individuals within the profession. Much like my previous background in engineering and construction has given me a unique perspective that was invaluable in my early architecture career, I believe that different voices and backgrounds can broaden the perceived possibilities of the profession and our trajectories within it. I believe I am at the point in my career where I am able to contribute beyond the projects themselves – to both my firm and to my community – and I want to explore what options or opportunities exist in that realm.
– Shannon Robinson
Heather Askins, P.E. (2018 year)
“AIA Leadership Forum granted me a wonderful opportunity to grow in ways I didn’t even know existed! By working with peers around the same level in their careers, you can troubleshoot problem areas, plan your future goals for growth, learn about yourself and how to interact with others, and overall be educated on how to constantly progress in your leadership skills (because they never stop growing)! I am so grateful I had the opportunity to participate and have formed some lifelong relationships from it that I will have forever!”
Joshua Thomasson, AIA (2018 year)
2023 AIA Triangle President Elect
“Leadership Forum was valuable to me because it put me in a room with like-minded professionals to discuss and learn what it meant to be not only a good leader but to understand that leadership comes in many different forms and different paths to get there.
Leadership Forum allowed me to be open and honest about career expectations and leadership goals and discuss these with other professionals interested in growing in their careers as well. Throughout the program, it taught me how to be a better leader by learning more about my strengths, what areas to work on, and identifying opportunities in the industry through growing connections and relationships. The skills I learned have benefited me not only in the office environment but in the community as well.”
Kevin Loftus, AIA (2018 year)
“The AIA Leadership program was a great opportunity that I am so glad I was able to be a part of. The program is set up to expand your network and examine your personal path forward in your career. The group of participants was a great mix of professionals with a variety of backgrounds. After a few meetings, the group turned into close friends whom I was able to speak with about different firms, past experiences, and upcoming career decisions.
As a group, we planned and lead meetings with direct access to firm principles, city officials, and established professionals. Hearing the insight from these leaders was invaluable and provided a foundation for my personal outlook on leadership and career advancement.
With the AIA Leadership Program, I received insight into how leaders achieved and maintained their success and were able to directly apply that to my own career. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who wants to examine their career, plan goals for the future, and learn about leadership from industry experts.”
“I am so grateful to have gotten the opportunity to participate in the AIA Triangle Leadership Forum. Not only did I learn a lot from the experience, but I also gained more confidence in my leadership skills by learning more about my strengths and how I can use them to be a better leader. I gained new insight and inspiration from community leaders and made new connections in the community that will last a lifetime. I am so proud of my cohort for what we accomplished as a team!”
Les Parker, AIA
“Leadership Forum is a great place to explore your leadership skills independent from workplace pressures and provides the necessary tools to more effectively lead in the profession and community. Plus, it’s fun!”
Eileen McDonough, AIA (2017 year)
“Leadership Forum provided invaluable fellowship with peers in the profession and opportunities to stretch my leadership abilities outside of my everyday work. As a participant, I appreciated the proactive nature of the program – it encourages participants to think intentionally about how they want to grow in their careers and provides the resources and opportunities to do so. Plus, you gain lasting friendships that last through your career!”
Katherine Peele, FAIA, LEED AP
“I feel so fortunate that I have had wonderful mentors throughout my career. Therefore, I believe that it is vitally important to give back and share the knowledge that I have gained over the years. The AIAT Leadership Forum is a great way to share stories and provide encouragement to our future leaders.”
Erin Sterling Lewis, FAIA
“In past years, what I have enjoyed most about hosting the AIA Triangle Leadership Forum is being able to share the story of the path I’ve taken in the practice and having an intimate discussion with everyone about theirs and the goals they have for the future. I’m always inspired by the group and love the connections made as a result of our gathering.”
Elizabeth Caliendo, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
AIA Triangle Past President (2022)
“I value the leadership forum because it connects young and emerging professionals with our firm. We are always looking for talent that is not only good at what they do but engaged in their community and profession in other ways. The Leadership Forum provides opportunities and learning experiences that enrich our potential employees. As a past panelist, it has given me the opportunity to meet a younger generation of architects that I would not have otherwise had the chance to meet!”
Eligibility Requirements and Program Fees can be found on the application page.
Check out the amazing opportunities of the cohorts who came before.